Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Andrew Klavan ~ Stop the Hate . . .


Ron Russell said...

The hate and slander is increasing and frankly I see no end to it. I recall the JFK assassignation and know that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lefty. But I must tell you that some professors on the left are now saying he was a right-winger. The outright lies of the left are unbelievable. Never had seen Andrew Klavan before. Sounds like he knows his stuff.

LibertyAtStake said...

One of the original Leftist lies about where an ideology was coming from was the concerted propaganda campaign to identify fascism (or national socialism, or nazism) with the right. National *Socialism* for chrissake. Hitler and Mussolini passed through the same early 20th century socialist salons as Lenin and Trotsky. The only primary differentiation was national vs. international as an organizing principle.

Mike aka Proof said...

On the mark as usual, Andrew!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Ron, Lee Harvey Oswald was a Communist.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

LAS, I would also add they were total control rather than Party control.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Proof, he done good, huh.